Gaming is a new way of entertainment that many people know about and with that, it is becoming more and more popular over the years. You can play with your friends, compete against each other and everyone else that is playing the same game as you are. You can play different game modes from more strategic games, where you have to make yourself a kingdom and overthrow your opponent to the first-person shooters and survival games like Call of Duty and Minecraft. Although many people don't know that you can make a fairly big amount of money from your little hobby. You probably heard about people making their living from posting videos of different games on their YouTube channel or streaming their gameplay on Twitch TV, but what most of you didn't know is that those people are often part of some kind of gaming league and are playing their games professionally on different tournaments. We call that kind of people professional gamers.
So here comes today's question: "What even is competitive gaming?". Well, the answer is rather simple. Competitive gaming is a type of gaming where players don't play games just to have fun, but to get paid while doing it and to become the very best of all the competition they are facing. Those kinds of players are called professional gamers. Their main source of income is usually from their social media and the ad revenue they get from their sponsors. Most of them play in a team of many professional gamers and go to tournaments where two teams or more, with very skilled players, compete against each other for the final price and the title of the best team of that tournament.
They are the type of gamers that are very skilled in the game they play. They are usually part of a team full of best-skilled gamers in that specific game. Most of their income comes from their sponsors, the tournament they won at, and side jobs like posting their gameplay on social media, selling their merch, Twitch subscribers, and their donations and they usually have their own YouTube channel where they can get some income too. Their income varies from player to player. It mostly depends on their popularity and skill, but the content they are sharing and the popularity of a specific game are two big factors too.

Well, it is important not to forget that they themself weren't born with their skill and they had to train a lot. So there are some things you will have to do if you want to one day become a professional player like they are today. It will take a lot of time and will to train your skills in a video game. But there are some tips on how to become better faster. It would help if you would focus on one game rather than more different games. That way you would spend most of your time and effort on becoming better at that specific video game. It would be very helpful if you were to choose one really popular game so you could gain the audience faster. Once you mastered that game and got yourself a loyal audience it is important to find yourself a team of players with which you can communicate well and possess around the same amount of skill as you have. Everything else from then on is just a matter of training and focusing on becoming the best.
Oh, and by the way, it would be very helpful if you get yourself really good gaming gear, that way you will be one step in front of your competition.
If you want to, you can read our reviews we have done on that topic in our GAMING page.
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